Calvin Johnson is my favorite football player, and when all is said and done, he will go down as one of the greatest Wide Receivers in NFL History! To be quite frank, he already is! Johnson has played in seven NFL seasons to date and even broke Jerry Rice's single season record for most receiving yards. Not a bad way to start off your career. I am going to compare Johnson with other NFL Wide Receiver greats by doing a few things.
First I will display Johnson and the opposing players stats (receptions, receiving yards, touchdowns) and compare the totals and averages between the two throughout their first seven seasons. Then I will subtract the opposing players career total with the numbers they produced in their first seven seasons to get the remaining numbers they put up after those initial seven. Then I divided the totals they produced with the number amount of seasons they played after their initial first seven to see what they averaged per year in those following years.
Next I took Johnson's current total and added it with his current averages and multiplied it with the number of additional seasons the other played played. ex. 66 (number of touchdowns Johnson has currently) + 9.43 times 6 (9.43 is the average number of TD's Johnson has produced a season on average and 6 is the amount of seasons the opposing player played in after initial seven.) So it would look like 66+ (9.43*6)= 122.8 (round to nearest whole number) 123 would be the amount of touchdowns Johnson would be "projected" to have if he plays in six more seasons averaging his current averages. Finally we will add Johnson's current totals with the opposing players totals (which is essentially the number of seasons played after the opposing players initial seven with their average from those final seasons) ex. 72.83 *6 = 436.98, which is 437, the same number of receptions Harrison produced in his final six seasons. Same formula applies throughout
First I will display Johnson and the opposing players stats (receptions, receiving yards, touchdowns) and compare the totals and averages between the two throughout their first seven seasons. Then I will subtract the opposing players career total with the numbers they produced in their first seven seasons to get the remaining numbers they put up after those initial seven. Then I divided the totals they produced with the number amount of seasons they played after their initial first seven to see what they averaged per year in those following years.
Next I took Johnson's current total and added it with his current averages and multiplied it with the number of additional seasons the other played played. ex. 66 (number of touchdowns Johnson has currently) + 9.43 times 6 (9.43 is the average number of TD's Johnson has produced a season on average and 6 is the amount of seasons the opposing player played in after initial seven.) So it would look like 66+ (9.43*6)= 122.8 (round to nearest whole number) 123 would be the amount of touchdowns Johnson would be "projected" to have if he plays in six more seasons averaging his current averages. Finally we will add Johnson's current totals with the opposing players totals (which is essentially the number of seasons played after the opposing players initial seven with their average from those final seasons) ex. 72.83 *6 = 436.98, which is 437, the same number of receptions Harrison produced in his final six seasons. Same formula applies throughout
Calvin Johnson vs Marvin Harrison
572 receptions 665 receptions
9,328 receiving yards 8,800 receiving yards
66 touchdowns 73 touchdowns
81.71 receptions per year 95 receptions per year
1332.57 receiving yards per year 1,257.14 receiving yards per year
9.43 touchdowns per year 10.43 touchdowns per year
Harrison's career totals
1,102 receptions
14,580 receiving yards
128 touchdowns
Harrison played in six more seasons after his initial seven
(total minus first seven)
1,102-665= 437 receptions
14,580-8,800= 6,050 receiving yards
128-73= 55 touchdowns
Harrison's average per year in final six seasons
72.83 receptions per year
1008.33 receiving yards per year
9.16 touchdowns per year
Johnson's current total + current averages * 6, Johnson's projected totals
572+ (81.71*6) = 1,062.26 (1,062 receptions)
9,328+ (1,332.57*6)= 17,323.4 (17,323 receiving yards)
66+ (9.43*6)= 122.58 (123 touchdowns)
Johnson's current total plus Harrison's totals from final six seasons, Johnson's projected totals
572+437= 1,009 receptions
9,328+8,800= 18,128 receiving yards
66+55= 121 touchdowns
Calvin Johnson vs Steve Largent

572 receptions 399 receptions
9,328 receiving yards 6,534 receiving yards
66 touchdowns 49 touchdowns
81.71 receptions per year 57 receptions per year
1332.57 receiving yards per year 933.43 receiving yards per year
9.43 touchdowns per year 7 touchdowns per year
Largent's career total
819 receptions
13,089 receiving yards
100 touchdowns
Largent played in seven more seasons (subtract total with first seven to get total of final seven)
819-399= 420 receptions
13,089- 6,534= 6,555 receiving yards
100-49= 51 touchdowns
average per year in final seven seasons
60 receptions
936.43 receiving yards
7.29 touchdowns
Johnson's current total + current averages *7, Johnson's projected totals
572+ (81.71*7) = 1,143.97 (1,144 receptions)
9328 + (1332.57*7) = 18,656.99 (18,657 receiving yards)
(66 + 9.43*7)= 132.01 (132 touchdowns)
Johnson's current total + Largent's total in final seven seasons, Johnson's projected totals
572+420= 992 receptions
9,328+6,555 =15,883 receiving yards
66+51= 117 touchdowns
Calvin Johnson vs James Lofton
Johnson's total and averages vs Lofton's total and averages in first seven seasons
572 receptions 397 receptions
9,328 receiving yards 7,663 receiving yards
66 touchdowns 41 touchdowns
81.71 receptions per season 56.71 receptions per season
1332.57 receiving yards per season 1094.71 yards per season
9.43 touchdowns per season 6.83 touchdowns per season
Lofton's career totals
764 receptions
14,004 receiving yards
75 touchdowns
Lofton played in 10 more seasons after his first seven
(total - first seven)
397 receptions
6,341 receiving yards
34 touchdowns
Lofton's average per year in final 10 seasons
39.7 receptions
634.1 receiving yards
3.4 touchdowns
Johnson's current total + current averages * 10, Johnson's projected total 572 +( 81.71*10) = 1,389.1 (1,389 receptions)
9,328 + (1,332.57 *10 ) = 22,653.7 (22,654 receiving yards)
66 + (9.43*10)= 160.3 (160 touchdowns
Johnson's current total + total Lofton produced in final 10 seasons, Johnson's projected total 572+367 = 939 receptions
9,328 + 6,341 = 15,669 receiving yards
66+34 = 100 touchdowns
Calvin Johnson vs Tim Brown
9,328 receiving yards 4,734 receiving yards
66 touchdowns 36 touchdowns
81.71 receptions 45.14 receptions
1,332.57 receiving yards 676.29 receiving yards
9.43 touchdowns 5.14 touchdowns
Brown's career totals
1,094 receptions
14, 834 receiving yards
100 touchdowns
Brown played in nine more seasons after first seven
(total - first seven)
1,094-316= 778 receptions
14,934- 4,734 = 10,200 receiving yards
100-36 = 64 touchdowns
Brown's average per year in final nine seasons
86.44 receptions
1,133.33 receiving yards
7.11 touchdowns
Johnson's current total + current averages * 9, Johnson's projected totals
572+ (81.71*9)= 1,307.39 (1,307 receptions)
9,328+ (1332.57*9)= 21,321.1 (21,321 receiving yards)
66+ (9.43*9) = 150.87 (151 touchdowns)
Johnson's current total plus Brown's total in his final nine seasons, Johnson's projected totals
572+778= 1,350 receptions
9,328 + 10,200= 19,528 receiving yards
66+64= 130 touchdowns
Calvin Johnson vs Isaac Bruce
572 receptions 476 receptions
9,328 receiving yards 7,299 receiving yards
66 touchdowns 50 touchdowns
81.71 receptions per year 68 receptions per year
1332.57 receiving yards per year 1,042.71 receiving yards per year
9.43 touchdowns per year 7.14 touchdowns per year
Bruce's career totals
1,024 receptions
15,208 receiving yards
91 touchdowns
Bruce played in seven more seasons after his initial seven
(total - first seven)
1,024-476= 548 receptions
15,208-7,299= 8,009 receiving yards
91-50= 41 touchdowns
Bruce's averages per year in final seven seasons
78.29 receptions
1,144.14 receiving yards
5.86 touchdowns
Johnson's current total + current averages * 7
refer to comparison with Steve Largent
Johnson's current total + Bruce's total over final seven seasons, Johnson's projected totals
572+ 548 = 1,120 receptions
9,328 + 8,009= 17,337 receiving yards
66+41= 107 touchdowns
Calvin Johnson vs Randy Moss
572 receptions 574 receptions
9,328 receiving yards 9,142 receiving yards
66 touchdowns 90 touchdowns
81.71 receptions per year 82 receptions per year
1332.57 receiving yards per year 1,306 receiving yards per year
9.43 touchdowns per year 12.86 touchdowns per year
Moss's career totals
982 receptions
15,292 receiving yards
156 touchdowns
Moss played in nine more seasons after initial seven
(total - first seven)
982-574= 408 receptions
15,292- 9,142 = 6,150 receiving yards
156-90= 66 touchdowns
Moss's average's per year in final nine seasons
45.33 receptions
683.33 receiving yards
7.33 touchdowns
Johnson's current total + current averages * 9
refer to Tim Brown comparison
Johnson's current total + Moss's total in final nine seasons, Johnson's projected totals
572+408=980 receptions
9,328+9,142= 18,470 receiving yards
66+66= 132 receiving yards
Calvin Johnson vs Terrell Owens
572 receptions 512 receptions
9,328 receiving yards 7,470 receiving yards
66 touchdowns 72 touchdowns
81.71 receptions per yer 73.14 receptions per year
1332,57 receiving yards per year 1067.14 receiving yards per year
9.43 touchdowns per year 10.28 touchdowns per year
Owens career totals
1,078 receptions
15,394 receiving yards
153 touchdowns
Owens played in eight more seasons after initial seven
(total - first seven)
1,078-512= 566 receptions
15,394-7470= 8,464 receiving yards
153-72= 81 touchdowns
Owens averages per year in final eight seasons
70.75 receptions per year
1,058 receiving yards per year
10.13 touchdowns per year
Johnson's current total + current averages * 8, Johnson's projected totals
572+ (81.71*8) = 1,225.68 (1,226 receptions)
9,328 + (1332.57*8) = 19988.6 (19,989 receiving yards)
66+ (9.43*8) = 141.44 (141 touchdowns)
Johnson's current total + Owens total in final eight seasons, Johnson's projected totals
572+ 566 = 1,138 receptions
9,328 + 8,464= 17,792 receiving yards
66+ 81= 147 touchdowns
Calvin Johnson vs Cris Carter
572 receptions 399 receptions
9,328 receiving yards 4,577 receiving yards
66 touchdowns 42 touchdowns
81.71 receptions per year 57 receptions per year
1,332.57 receiving yards per year 653.86 receiving yards per year
9.43 touchdowns per year 6 touchdowns per year
Carter's career totals
1,101 receptions
13,899 receiving yards
130 touchdowns
Carter played in nine more seasons after his initial seven
(total - first seven)
1,101-399= 702 receptions
13,899- 4,577= 9,322 receiving yards
130-42= 88 touchdowns
Carter's averages per year in final nine seasons
78 receptions per year
1035.78 receiving yards per year
9.78 touchdowns per year
Johnson's current total + current average *9
refer to Tim Brown and Randy Moss comparisons
Johnson's current total + Carter's total in final 9 seasons, Johnson's projected totals
572+702= 1,274 receptions
9,328 + 9,322= 18,650 receiving yards
66+88= 154 touchdowns
Calvin Johnson vs Hines Ward
572 receptions 505 receptions
9,328 receiving yards 6,055 receiving yards
66 touchdowns 41 touchdowns
81.71 receptions per year 72.14 receptions per year
1332.57 receiving yards per year 865 receiving yards per year
9.43 touchdowns per year 5.86 touchdowns per year
Hines Ward career totals
1000 receptions
12,083 receiving yards
85 touchdowns
Ward played in an additional seven seasons after his first seven
(total-first seven)
1,000-505= 495 receptions
12,083-6,055= 6,028 receiving yards
85-41= 44 touchdowns
Ward's averages in his final seven seasons
70.71 receptions per year
861.14 receiving yards per year
6.29 touchdowns per year
Johnson's current total + current averages * 7
refer to Steve Largent and Issac Bruce comparisons
Johnson's current total + Ward's totals in final seven seasons, Johnson's projected totals
572+495= 1,067 receptions
9,328+6,028= 15,356 receiving yards
66+44= 110 touchdowns
Calvin Johnson vs Jerry Rice
572 receptions 526 receptions
9,328 receiving yards 9,072 receiving yards
66 touchdowns 93 touchdowns
81.71 receptions per year 75.14 receptions per year
1332.57 receiving yards per year 1,296 receiving yards per year
9.43 touchdowns per year 13.29 touchdowns per year
Jerry Rice's career totals
1,579 receptions
22,895 receiving yards
197 touchdowns
Rice played an additional 14 seasons after his initial seven
(total-first seven seasons)
1,579-526= 1,053 receptions
22,895-9,072= 13,823 receiving yards
197-93= 104 touchdowns
Rice's averages in his final 14 seasons
75.21 receptions per year
987.36 receiving yards per year
7.43 touchdowns per year
Johnson's current total + current averages * 14, Johnson's projected totals
572+ (81.71*14)= 1,715.94 (1,716 receptions)
9,328+ (1332.57*14)= 27,983.98 (27,984 receiving yards)
66+ (9.43*14)= 198.02 (198 touchdowns)
Johnson's current totals + Rice's totals in his final 14 seasons, Johnson's projected totals
572+1,053= 1,625 receptions
9,328+13,823= 23,151 receiving yards
66+104= 170 touchdowns
Obviously these numbers are not definitive, but it does give a good insight as to how Johnson is currently measuring up to other wide receiver greats. Other unforeseeable actions could happen as well, good and bad (Johnson has another record setting year, or Johnson gets hurt). This piece was to entertain, and as a previously mentioned to see how Johnson currently measures up with other wide receiver greats!
domestic violence incident in Atlantic City invovling Ray Rice has been
referred to the Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office for review. ... to
ensure all appropriate charges are considered," it said in a statement.